Centennial Park - Nashville, TN

Centennial Park in Nashville, TN is a 132 acre urban park located about 3 miles west of downtown Nashville, and in close proximity to the campus of Vanberbilt University.  It is home to a large lake, flocks of pigeons, ducks and geese, lots of squirrels, and a replica of the Greek Parthenon.

Here Is A Link to a very large panorama around the lake in Centennial Park.  Large File Warning!! - Be warned that this is a large 7 megabyte file so if you are on a dialup connection you might want to skip it!

The panorama covers an area of approximately 235° around the lake.  It is 27,952 pixels wide (that is twenty seven thousand pixels!) by 768 pixels high and consists of about 45 images taken 5° apart and stitched together.

Note that many browsers, notably Firefox and Internet Explorer, will fit the image to the width of the screen so it will appear very small.  When you put your cursor over the image it will change to a magnifying glass and you can click the image to view it full size.

Centennial Park - Various Dates


Centennial Park - March 26, 2011

The weather was forecast to be lousy today with lots of rain and wind, so I decided to stop at Centennial Park for a while where I'd be relatively close to my car if the bottom fell out.  It was cloudy and cool, but not too bad and a good day for a walk in the park.



While walking around I noticed some percussion instruments being set up in front of the Parthenon.  It turned out to be a band of students from Oberlin College in Oberlin, OH named Oberlin Steel.  They put on a great show and I really enjoyed listening to them for a while.



Centennial Park - December 24, 2010

After going Downtown for a little while this morning I also decided to stop at Centennial Park for a few minutes.  It was quiet, as would be expected on Christmas Eve so I didn't stick around very long.



On the way out I happened to notice this tree and stopped to see what it was.  It turned out to be a "Rembrance Tree" and was covered with information about people who have died.  Their families and friends have attached ornaments and cards with words of remembrance so that they will not be forgotten.  Perhaps the photographs on my web site will last a little longer than the information on the tree will, so I offer the following:

If any family members or friends see these and want a copy of any of the photographs all you have to do is send me an EMail and let me know which ones.  There is, of course, no charge whatsoever for them.  Also, if I did not get one that someone wants a copy of I'll be glad to go back and try to get it, assuming that the tree is still decorated in this manner.


This is only a few of the dozens, perhaps hundreds, of cards and decorations on the tree.  I'm sorry I didn't get them all, but there were just too many.  Note that some of the photographs were taken on December 26.  I decided that I wanted to get a few more and stopped by there again.

Centennial Park - October 23, 2010

I went by Centennial Park today because there is supposed to be an "Artwork" in the lake there.  The description of it on This Web Page made it sound interesting so I thought I'd check it out.  As usual, other people's ideas of "Art" differ wildly from my ideas of "Art".  I'm sure the builder put a lot of work into it and was proud of his result, but, sorry, to me it's just a bunch of half-sunken lumber floating around in the lake providing a place for the ducks to roost.


The band below is named the "WannaBeatles" and they are quite good.  Apparently their entire repertoire is based on old Beatles music but they do a marvelous job of reproducing them.  I think that in some respects they might even be better than the originals!




I walked back over to the lake and took a few photos of things that fly ;)



Centennial Park - August 8, 2010

It's far too hot and humid to get out and ride my motorcycles, or for that matter to spend much time outside at all these days, but I did want to get out and ride for a little while.  I rode downtown and took a few photos of Lower Broadway and then rode over to Centennial Park for a while.  Not much going on there either on a hot, humid Sunday morning so I took a few photos and then headed back home.



Centennial Park - June 19, 2010

I went by the Parthenon today simply because I have never seen the inside of it.  Now I remember why.  There are two levels, and photography is only allowed in the upper level.  The lower level is some sort of art gallery or something, but since photography isn't allowed I didn't bother going in.  The upper level contains a great big statue of Athena and some pieces of sculpture.  I guess it's interesting to artsy-type people but it did nothing for me.  I spent about 15 minutes there, took a few photos, and left.



I find the area outside the Parthenon around the lake far more interesting than the inside.  Art that doesn't look like anything does absolutely nothing for me.  If a placard in front of a statue is required to explain to me that it is the torso of some mythological Greek figure rather than my looking at it and seeing that it is the torso of some mythological Greek figure then I have better things to do with my time.  In this case it was to take photographs of the birds and kids around the lake.


Even tepid lake water feels good when it's this hot!

Kids and birds and lakes go together like, well, kids and birds and lakes ;)  These young ones were feeding the birds and having a great time.


Centennial Park - May 3, 2010

Spring finally made it to Tennessee once again.  The grass is green, the tress are filling out, and the baby ducks and geese are on the lakes.


Mallard Duckling
Centennial Park - 05/03/2010

Centennial Park - 05/03/2010

Centennial Park - 05/03/2010

Canada Goose Gosling
Centennial Park - 05/03/2010

Centennial Park - 05/03/2010

Flower with Dew
Centennial Park - 05/03/2010

Catching The Morning Sun
Centennial Park - 05/03/2010

Blue Jay
Centennial Park - 05/03/2010

Blue Jay
Centennial Park - 05/03/2010

Centennial Park - February 14, 2010

Cloudy, cold, spitting snow.  This has become the theme for February this year.  If it hasn't been bitter cold it is only because it's raining.  If it isn't raining it's only because it's so cold it's snowing.  One of these days it's going to clear up, warm up, and I'm going to get out and ride my motorcycles but today I once again spent some time at Centennial Park photographing the birds.


Pigeon Staying Warm
Centennial Park - 02/14/2010

Pigeon Staying Warm
Centennial Park - 02/14/2010

Posing Pigeon
Centennial Park - 02/14/2010

Canada Goose
Centennial Park - 02/14/2010

Canada Goose
Centennial Park - 02/14/2010

Hen Mallard
Centennial Park - 02/14/2010

Drake Mallard
Centennial Park - 02/14/2010

Drake Mallard
Centennial Park - 02/14/2010

Mocking Bird
Centennial Park - 02/14/2010

European (English) Starling
Centennial Park - 02/14/2010

Centennial Park - January 31, 2010

A clear and brilliant day with about 6" of crusty snow on the ground after several days of gloom and snow really made me want to get out and play with my camera today.  I went to Radnor Lake yesterday so I made my customary stop at Centennial Park today.


Centennial Park - January 23, 2010

Wet but mild this morning.  Rain yesterday evening, rain all night, rain this morning.  Everything was soggy but at least it was mild and comfortable.  The birds and animals at Centennial Park didn't seem to mind the wet at all and were enjoying the mild weather.


Red Squirrel
Centennial Park - 01/23/2010

Red Squirrel
Centennial Park - 01/23/2010

Red Squirrel
Centennial Park - 01/23/2010

European (Common) Starling
Centennial Park - 01/23/2010

European (Common) Starling
Centennial Park - 01/23/2010

European (Common) Starling
Centennial Park - 01/23/2010

Canada Goose
Centennial Park - 01/23/2010

Common Merganser
Centennial Park - 01/23/2010

Holly Tree
Centennial Park - 01/23/2010

Centennial Park - 01/23/2010

For years he has stood his solitary post.  Head held high, a little bit dull and tarnished, he nevertheless maintains his vigilant poise.

This F-86L has been a part of Centennial Park for as long as I can remember.  I recall visiting the park as s young boy and seeing this airplane mounted above me.  The placard below says that it was mounted in 1982 however I think it means that it was remounted.  Regardless, this airplane will always epitomize Centennial Park to me.

Centennial Park - January 9, 2010

Bitter cold weather and some snow on the ground convinced me not to stay at Centennial Park very long today, but I did stop for a little while to take some photographs of the lake dwellers.  I thought the white-on-white lack of contrast between the Ring Billed Gull and the white snow behind him was rather interesing.


Centennial Park - January 2, 2010

It was cold and cloudy when I got up.  Cold as in 17° and cloudy as in a little bit of snow falling.  The clouds were forecast to move out so I headed for Centennial Park.  As forecast the clouds blew out leaving relatively clear skies behind.


Blue Skies On The Water
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Blue Skies and Trees
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Blue Skies and Trees
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Holly Bush
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Canada Geese
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010


The birds and waterfowl didn't seem to mind the cold at all, other than a few puffed-out feathers, but I wasn't real fond of it.


Ring-Billed Gulls
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Ring-Billed Gulls
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Ring-Billed Gulls
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Mocking Birds
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Mocking Bird
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Common Pigeon
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Common Pigeon
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Common Pigeon
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Common Pigeon
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Drake Mallard
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Hen Mallard
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Canada Goosse
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010


The pigeons, ducks, and geese were flying around and seemed to be enjoying the clear skies.


Pigeons In Flight
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Canada Geese In Flight
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Canada Geese In Flight
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Canada Geese In Flight
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Canada Geese In Flight
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Canada Geese In Flight
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Canada Geese In Flight
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Canada Geese In Flight
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Canada Geese In Flight
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Canada Geese In Flight
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Canada Geese In Flight
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Drake Mallard In Flight
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Drake Mallard In Flight
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Hen Mallard In Flight
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Hen Mallard In Flight
Centennial Park - 01/02/2010

Centennial Park - December 24, 2009

Not being a big Christmas person I preferred to brave the elements and photograph some birds at Centennial Park rather than brave the crowds and go shopping today.  The crowds were horrendous, the elements were not so bad.  Last night's rain was just ending and the clouds starting to break up when I got there.  It was very windy though but the birds didn't seem to mind.


Hen Mallard
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Hen Mallard
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Hen Mallard
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Drake Mallard
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

American Coot
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Juvenile Black-Crowned Night-Heron
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Juvenile Black-Crowned Night-Heron
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Canada Goose
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Canada Geese
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Canada Geese
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Canada Goose
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Canada Geese
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Canada Goose
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Canada Goose
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Canada Goose
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Ring-Billed Gull
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Ring-Billed Gull
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Ring-Billed Gull
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Ring-Billed Gull
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Ring-Billed Gull
Centennial Park - 12/24/09

Centennial Park - December 6, 2009

It was way too cold to ride my motorcycles today, 23° when I got up, so I decided to head over to Centennial Park with my camera and take some photographs.  There is always something there worth wasting a bit of camera memory on.

Juvenile Black-Crowned Night-Heron
Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Juvenile Black-Crowned Night-Heron
Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Juvenile Black-Crowned Night-Heron
Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Reflections - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

American Coot - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

American Coot - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Drake Mallard - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Hen Mallard - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Hen Mallard - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Hen Mallard - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Gray Squirrel - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Red Squirrel - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Red Squirrel - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Red Squirrel - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Red Squirrel - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Red Squirrel - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

- Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Here's something I've thought about doing with my cell phone many time!  It's hard to tell from the photograph but it's on the bottom of the lake in Centennial Park.  Actually, I've thought more about throwing mine against a wall somewhere than into the lake at Centennial Park but the result would be pretty much the same.

F-86L - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

F-86L - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

F-86L - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

F-86L - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

The preceeding four photographs are of a North American Aviation F-86L fighter that was assigned to the Tennessee Air National Guard.  I always enjpy looking at it because of the way it is mounted.  It sits in a nose-high attitude and were it not for the pedestal beneath it could be seen as flying a low pass on the park.

There are other photographs of this aircraft further down this page.

The photographs below are of American Locomotive Works locomotive number 59786 constructed in 1942.  It drove for the Nashville Chattanooga and St. Louis (N.C. & St. L) Railroad.  There are also additional photographs of this locomotive further down this page.

Locomotive - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Locomotive - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Locomotive - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Locomotive - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Locomotive - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Locomotive - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

The Parthenon replica, shown in the photographs below, was originally built in 1897 and then reconstructed in 1921-1931.  It is the only full-sized exact reproduction of the Athens Parthenon in the world.  There is some good information about this structure on Wikipedia.

The Parthenon - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

The Parthenon - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

The Parthenon - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

The Parthenon - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

The Parthenon - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

The Parthenon - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

The Parthenon - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

The Parthenon - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

The Parthenon - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

The Parthenon - Centennial Park - 12/06/09

The monumental stupidity of some people just absolutely amazes me.  As can be seen in the placard above the bronze doors to the Parthenon are considered to be the largest set of matching bronze doors anywhere in the world, and they are installed on the only full-sized replica of the Parthenon anywhere in the world.  Given this exalted status is there any reason not to expect that some air-brained idiot would find it necessary to draw something on them?

It's amazing to me that in an area that is considered to be the buckle of the Bible Belt parents don't even have the intelligence to raise their children to know that this kind of behavior is just plain wrong.  Why any complete idiot would find it necessary, cool, or fun to damage something like this I will never understand.

Children's Memorial Garden
Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Children's Memorial Garden
Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Children's Memorial Garden
Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Children's Memorial Garden
Centennial Park - 12/06/09

The preceeding four photographs are of an area of the park I had never noticed before named the "Children's Memorial Garden".  Other than what is engraved on the monument I'm not certain what it means but it is an interesting area.  The walkways through it are constructed of stone blocks engraved with names.  I don't know whether the names reflect those who donated to the construction or those who were victims of domestic violence.

Civil War Statue
Centennial Park - 12/06/09

Civil War Statue
Centennial Park - 12/06/09

The photograph above is a bronze statue of a Civil War soldier with the caption ""Duty Done Honor Won" engraved in the stone below.  I couldn't tell whether the statue is of a Union of Confederate soldier and then I realized that in truth it doesn't really matter which side he was on.  The dedication plaque on the other side of the statue did point it out, but I think it's more meaningful not knowing which side it was dedicated to or by.

The plaque to the left is on a stone column with a round stone ball on top.  I don't pretend to understand the symbolism of the statue, but it was intended to mark the location of the Women's Pavillion at the 1897 Tennessee Centennial Exposition.  It was surpsing to me that in this day of political correctness and enlightenment to see a plaque that reads, "Woman's Work - Whatever may be necessary to preserve the sanctity of the home and ensure the freedom of the state".

Centennial Park - November 15, 2009

Common Pigeon - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Common Pigeons - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Common Pigeons - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

American Coot - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

American Coot - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

American Coot - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

American Coot - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

American Coot - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

American Coot - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

American Coot - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

American Coot - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Gray Squirrel - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Gray Squirrel - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Gray Squirrel - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Gray Squirrel - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Gray Squirrel - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Gray Squirrel - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Canada Goose - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Canada Geese - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Canada Geese - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Small Girl - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Small Girl - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Small Girl - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Late Fall Flowers - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Late Fall Flowers - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Late Fall Flowers - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Late Fall Flowers - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Late Fall Flowers - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Scenic Reds - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Reflections - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

The Parthenon - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Water Spray - Centennial Park - 11/15/09

Centennial Park - November 12, 2009


Centennial Park, January 11, 2009


Centennial Park - February 23, 2008