Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum - Trip I GPS Coordinates: N33.53305 W86.61368 (Trip II Photos Are Here and Trip III Photos Are Here) |
On June 2, 2007 my riding buddy AGirl and I rode to the Barber
Vintage Motorsports Museum in Birmingham, AL. The museum is located on the property of
Barber Motorsports Park and it is absolutely a
magnificent place for anyone interested in motorcycles or racing. Luckily for me I have a
passion for both so I was definitely in my element!
The museum is absolutely magnificent. I don't know exactly how many motorcycles they have on display, but their Web Site states that at any given time there are at least 500 on display. They date from the early 1920's (at least that's the earliest one I recall seeing) through the 2000's. There are also a lot of racing cars (primarily Lotus's) dating back to the 60's and 70's on display. It may date me but I do remember seeing a lot of them on the track back in those days. We talked with a staff member who told us that every one of the bikes in the museum are capable of being ridden within 2 hours. Every machine there is in running order, completely rebuilt or refurbished, and virtually ready to go. He said that they put cosmoline in the fuel system and mineral oil in the hydraulics. To get one ready to run they bleed the hydraulics and add hydraulic fluid. They clean out the fuel system and add gas. Put a battery in (where necessary since many of them were built before batteries!) and they are ready to rip. One thing that amazed me was that there was not a speck of dust ANYWHERE! Every single one of the displays is immaculately clean and dust free. This is quite amazing since many of the displays cannot be reached without the use of a scissors lift because they are stacked 5 stories high!
If you are a motorcycle fan, and are anywhere in the vicinity of Birmingham, I STRONGLY recommend a stop at this place. It is absolutely amazing. Below are approximately 150 photographs of the facility. I've broken them up into broad categories to make it easier to view. Most of the cars and motorcycles have information cards located near them to provide information about the display and I have included photographs of those in most cases. Some of them were somewhat difficult to photograph due to their proximity to the display (Please Do Not Touch Or Sit On The Displays!) or because of the overhead lights glaring on the plastic enclosures. I apologize for some of them, but I think they are all readible. The photos of the information card for a particular display immediately preceeds the photo of the display itself. All images below are links to larger photographs. You can click any of the photos to view a larger one.
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